Dan McLaughlin poses a very good question: If Obama is such a rousing success as a diplomat, then why can't I think of any world leaders he's particularly close to?
It's an excellent question, I think. Obama has insulted our allies repeatedly and without reason while making worthless overtures to our enemies. What have we gotten for this? Nothing I can think of. The man flies around the world with his hat in his hand. He apologizes for our country and everyone applauds him. When he actually asks them to do something for him though, the answer is almost always no.
Then of course there's the failure of his diplomatic team who has repeatedly allowed our President to fly off to meetings to ask for things without any assurance that he'll be able to get them. Isn't the first rule of politics that the President shouldn't become involved until success is virtually assured? Certainly there can be exceptions, but it seems to be the rule in this administration that Obama shows up at the table early on and fails as a result.
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