Over the last 8 years, large parts of the left in this country went stark-raving mad. It started out small, but kept getting weirder and weirder.
I'm afraid I'm starting to see signs of this on the right. I've seen lots of stretching. I recall several blogs floating bizarre conspiracy theories about the ridiculous fly-over of NYC by Air Force One by people ignoring the old adage to never attribute to malice what can be explained by incompetence.
Now comes people blasting Brian Williams for "bowing" to The One. I've watched the film. He nodded his head; that's it. A head nod. Over this I've already seen many pixels wasted.
Folks, there's going to be plenty of material to blast Obama with and goodness knows there's plenty to criticize the press over. We don't have to go blowing things out of proportion or imagine insane conspiracy theories to get out blows in. I promise they'll provide plenty of legitimate material on their own.