Not happy that Rush Limbaugh has the audacity to point out the many elements of McCain's record that are very unconservative, Bob Dole released a letter urging Rush to back off.
Dole wrote that as the former Senate Republican leader, he could vouch for the fact that McCain supported the party on all “critical votes.”
In a bill of particulars numbered 1 through 8, Dole wrote that McCain has a “Consistent pro-life record,” was a “Strong advocate for strict constructionist judges,” “Supported voluntary school prayer,” supported a balanced-budget amendment, was a strong advocate for cutting spending, consistently defended Second Amendment (gun-owner) rights, “opposed ‘Hillary Care,’ ” and was “Probably the Senate's strongest advocate for strong national defense.”
The charge against McCain isn't that he's not a Republican (although many question that as well), it's that he's not conservative. This sleight of hand allows him to ignore campaign finance "reform" as a "critical vote". Then there's the matter of things that didn't to to a vote, like McAmnesty.
Dole also insists that McCain is committed to strict constructionist judges. Frankly, I don't believe that. McCain is a religious zealot on CFR and basically says that anyone who opposes this assault on political speech is corrupt. Strict constructionist judges are far more likely to toss out this travesty and I don't believe he'll that risk.
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