Apparently the writer's strike is, wait for it ... Rush Limbaugh's fault!
Amid the emotions surrounding the writers strike has been vitriol from some scribes toward any news outlet failing to echo their position — a “blame the messenger” attitude vented at coverage by Variety, among others.
In this way, strike rhetoric is oddly mirroring modern politics, where partisans now filter straight-ahead reporting through an “us vs. them” prism, seeking out accounts that buttress their views while shunning those that might challenge them.
This represents a relatively recent dynamic, fueled by the Rush Limbaugh era of talkradio [sic], cable news and the Internet, which barely existed during the last strike in 1988. (Emphasis added)
So let me get this straight. We have a trade reporter complaining that the writers are being nasty to them when they report things the writers don't like. The reporter goes on to conclude that they must be taking their cues from political activists who are mean to them when they report things the activists don't like. This is, apparently, because of talk radio. (And we all know who invented talk radio.) Therefore, the ugly tone of the writer's strike has effectively been laid at Rush Limbaugh's feet. (Hannity and Colmes catch shrapnel as well.
Not that I'm surprised by any of this ...
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