(WebMD) Wearing a pedometer and having a daily step goal can boost your activity level, according to a new analysis of research. "Our major result is pedometer users increased their physical activity," says Dena Bravata, MD, senior research scientist at Stanford University School of Medicine and a doctor in private practice in San Francisco. With her colleagues, she analyzed 26 published studies on the devices and the effect they have on increasing daily physical activity.
When I was first diagnosed as diabetic, my doctor told me he wanted me to take at least 10,000 steps a day to boost metabolism and get the weight down. I went out and bought a pedometer. After a few days it fell off who-knows-where and was gone. My wife bought me another. A few days later, it was gone too.
They were actually fine when I was up and being active. But almost inevitably it would fall off when I'd sit down. It was only a matter of time before they were lost. My mother-in-law was there when I realized I'd lost the second one. She offered to get me another, but I decided that two was enough.
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