I hate Vegas.
I've been here two days and I hate everything about it.
- Pompous hotel buffet serving elegant looking but tasteless food for 3 times what I'd have to pay at fire mountain back home.? Check. Hate it.
- Casino maid service going to way to much effort to do things that I despise anyway? Check. Hate it.
- Pure materialistic greed oozing from every pore of just about everyone I meet? Check. Hate it.
- Heat? Check. Hate it too.
- Brand new hotel that doesn't have wi-fi in the room? Check. Hate it.
- Hotel that has the nerve to try charge me $25 dollars a day for the exercise room? Check. Hate that as well. (Really extremely hate that as this place has already made my diet impossible.
- People foolishly throwing their money away? Check. Hate it.
- Sex, sex, sex everywhere I look? Check. Very disturbing to a Christian from the central US. Hate it.
So basically, what I'm trying to say is that I hope my next CPE conference is NOT in Vegas. On the bright side, the actual CPE has been pretty good.
Update: I don't care for the Wynn at all.
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