I was over at Right Wing News reading his post about how the Republican's have faced down the Democrats hypocrisy on the minimum wage by forcing them to include American Samoa. He finishes by saying:
If 40% of the work force in American Samoa does actually end up losing their jobs because of a minimum wage, that will be a terrible thing, but it will also be a concrete example of the sort of damage that liberal economy policies cause in people's lives.
I must admit that my first thought when hearing that Republicans had forced Samoa under the same roof was, "That will show them." After I thought about it a little, it occurred to me that if we're correct about the impact the minimum wage has on companies, it's virtually certain that a lot of people in Samoa will lose their jobs.
Is it really worth that to prove we're right?
Yes. While the lesson might be painful, isn't better to learn something than to keep making the same mistake over and over again? (Not to mention continually hurting more and more people through misguided policies.)
Posted by: kevin | Sunday, February 18, 2007 at 02:59 PM
If I was sure it would actually work, maybe it would be worth it. However, I can't tell that previous minimum wage problems have convinced the Democrats of anything. The very fact that Pelosi sees the need to give some people an out should have convinced her it's problematic for all, but that didn't happen, did it?
Posted by: Jeffrey | Sunday, February 18, 2007 at 10:56 PM