And in other news, President Lincoln gave a stirring speech today to commorate ...
OK, so I haven't been out of it that long, it just seems like it. It's just one of those fun tax accountant times of the year year. We've been working like dogs with no end in site.
On the bright side, I was recently able to get the IRS to accept an election made by one of our clients that they'd previously denied. A little letter writing and some patient phone calling and, yay!, they changed their minds. Today that client came in to meet with our managing tax partner. The client was so impressed that he insisted on meeting me just to tell me how thankful he was.
So, it does have it's moments. :D
Hope everyone's having a great week.
Bush is still President isn't he? Oh good. Just making sure it's still 2006.
10 week minimum waiting periods
... to see a GP. Give me some of that old-time socialized medicine!
Posted on Monday, August 07, 2006 at 07:53 PM | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)