So I was watching Craig Ferguson on DVR from Friday and he mentioned Cop Rock. That prompted me to relive old memories by looking up the horrible show on IMDB. I came across this comment:
I liked this show and never did understand why people thought it was stupid for people to be breaking into songs, you never hear that used against other musicals!
I personally have this complaint about most musicals. In fact, the only musicals I can ever remember liking were the Sound of Music (in which it actually made sense for people to be breaking into choreographed numbers all the time) and Seven Brides for Seven Brothers, which is just stinking hilarious.
On balance though, this is what bugs me about musicals. Well ... not specifically that people break in to song. Lots of people do that. But most people do not spontaneously break in to rehearsed song and dance numbers.
It drives me bonkers!