Josh Chafetz is hanging up the keyboard. He'll be missed. Of course, it's not like doesn't have good reasons.
Why? The reasons are mostly positive ones. This has been a fantastic year for me. I finished my doctorate. I started law school, which I'd been looking forward to for a long time, and which I'm enjoying every bit as much as I thought I would. I did some teaching this past year, which I enjoyed tremendously, and will teach again this coming spring. I published a couple of short journal articles. I got a book deal. And I'm dating a wonderful woman whom I adore. With absolutely no disrespect intended to my co-authors or our readers, those things all take priority over blogging. And those things have been taking up a lot of my time.
Still, he'll be missed. For that matter, he's been missed already. As Josh points out, he hasn't posted much lately.
By no means have I always agreed with Josh, but I've always valued his opinion and have generally found his positions to be well reasoned.
I've taken some hiatuses from blogging from time to time. I've had health problems that have gotten in the way and sometimes I've just gotten burnt out. But I've never been able to pull myself away entirely. There have always been some blogs I'd read and I've always felt drawn back.
I don't write as many long pieces as I used to and I don't put as much time into it as I once did, but I guess it's in my blood. I seriously doubt I'll ever be able to completely give it up.
If Josh can be happy without the blog, more power to him. Oh, and I hope someone in the blogosphere will be letting us know when Josh's book is out.