... my sister Lisa got a new dog. The dog was a bulldog/pointer mix named Sugar. Sugar was a delightful puppy and I've got several priceless pictures of the two of them playing.
7 1/2 years ago Lisa died. Ever since then, Sugar has been my dog. She's been a good dog and I've got a lot of wonderful memories.
Today the vet told me that Sugar has cancer. They're going to remove a tumor today and hopefully we'll find that they got it all, but you never know.
It's strange; I'm not one to overly romanticize pets. I love my dogs and they're important to me, but I don't think of them as "children" like a lot of people seem too. Today, though, I found myself bawling like a baby. I'm sure part of it is because Sugar is so intrinsically tied up with Lisa that it brings the whole thing back.
I've always known that a time like this would cause me some problems, but I find it very surprising how hard this has hit me. The human heart is a strange thing indeed.