OK, so a few weeks ago I switched from Cox Cable high-speed internet to SBC Yahoo's premium DSL service. The difference is staggering.
When I first got Cox cable it worked pretty well. For a few months that remained the case. Over time though, things started getting progressively worse. My speed started to slow down and I started having complete service outages. A few months ago I was home sick for a couple of days. Both of those days plus the two days during the previous weekend brought complete lack of service for a couple of hours each afternoon.
Meanwhile, speed continued to slow down. For a while I was really big into playing Dark Age of Camelot which is a massively multi-player online role-playing game. I enjoyed playing but I had horrible lag problems. It got so bad that on many occassions other players accused me of using dial-up. A few simply refuesed to play with me any more.
By the time I finally got a chance to switch over (I live on the outskirts of town and it took a while for SBC and the other local phone company to give me a definitive answer as to whether or not they could actually service me. SBC finally said yes and the other company said it would be six months before they could service my area.) tests of my upload and download capacities showed speeds barely above dial-up most of the time. The day before my DSL was activated my fiancee and I were having lots of trouble getting pages to load at all.
Once I got my DSL up and running with my wireless router the difference was immediately evident. File downloads increased by several order of magnitudes and web pages once again loaded almost instaneously.
It should be noted that I had called Cox a few times asking for help. They would tweak things there or have me tweak things here and it would work. Well, it would work for an hour or so. It was finally more than I could take.
I'm not the only one who's had trouble with Cox. I had a friend who moved from Fort Worth to Amarillo last year. She'd been using cable internet with another company before and was on Cox once she got to Amarillo. The complaints about her new service began almost immediately.
So what's the moral of this story? I guess that would be Cox Cable Internet: Bad. SBC DSL: Good.
Memorial Day
I wish I had something terribly profound to say about Memorial Day, but I don't. I will say that I am eternally grateful for the incredible sacrifice our military, veterans, and honored dead have made for this country. It's really remarkable that so many people have been willing to give large portions of their life, not to mention those that have in fact laid down their lives to protect us and our freedom.
My dad's father served in WWII. As memory serves, my Gramma was told he was a cook, but he actually worked in reconnaissance behind enemy lines. On more than one occasion she received a notice that he was MIA. The war had an affect on his personality as I understand it, but he at least wasn't killed. I never met him as he died before I was born. As far as I know, that's the closest my own family has come to losing someone in war.
We've gotten off lucky. Other families have given much more. May God be with them all.
Posted on Monday, May 30, 2005 at 01:09 PM | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)