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Monday, January 10, 2005


more penalties = more money

If a church has no other employees than its pastor, it doesn't have to file quarterly tax returns. However, if that same church has a paid pastor and even one part-time employee, then the church has to file quarterly even if that employee's (a janitor or pianist, perhaps) pay is just $1,500 a year, say. And they can make those forms hard for churches to come by, as well!

Actually, those forms are available online. I don't consider that a big deal. It's no more burdensome on churches than it is on anyone else.

My biggest problem with the way churches are treated is that they aren't supposed to do income tax withholding on ministers like they do for other employees and churches are not allowed to pay half of the FICA on ministers like they do on other employees. It's true that some ministers are exempt from Social Security altogether, but I can't think of any good reason to use the benefit provided to some as justification for damaging the rest.

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