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Monday, December 27, 2004



Whenever I hear of a believing couple becoming engaged or married, I think of a statement attributed to Charles G. Finney: " A man's only half a man until he finds his woman, and that's an understatement."

May God richly bless you both, through our Lord Jesus Christ.

Henry IX,

Thank you so much on behalf of Jeffrey and I. I can tell you, Jeffrey is my other half and I am blessed that I found him.

I second that - Congratulations!

June 11-safely after tax season. I don't recall you blogging much on Miss Nicki, you sly dog.

Congratulations are an order.

awwwww! and she's sweet!

Congratulations, y'all!

Congratulations!!! May your relationship be fulfilling to you both -- may both of you be able to be exactly who God created you both to be.

Congrats, dude

Thank you everyone for the well wishes. Jeff and I both appriciate all your thoughts and prayers on our behalf.

There has been one change. The wedding will be June 18, 2005. My maid of honor had work related scheduling problems and so we had to change the date by one week.

Thanks again.

Take care,

Congratulations, Jeffry, and best wishes to both of you!

Go Jeffrey!
And Nicki!


Find a wonderful Christian soulmate and live with her forever --BRILLIANT!

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