I've been trying to track down on of my clients who happens to be a professional motorcycle racer. Finally I called his mother and she told me that he's out in the middle of the desert for a competition and the competition's rules won't let him use a phone until Thursday. I knew better than to ask what exactly the competition is. Whatever it is, I'm sure it's nuts.
Oh my lovely life.
In other news I'm feeling a little better. That's mostly because my neurologist put me on Darvocet. Um ... that's not exactly a permanent solution as a) it only masks the pain (and not completely) rather than dealing with the underlying problem and b) I'm not allowed to drive while taking it. I'm trying to find another doctor who might be able to help. For all of those who've been praying for me, thanks. I sure need it.
Hope everyone is doing well. Even those lucky enough to be on vacation.
I'll post again whenever the muse bothers to descend.
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