John Hawkins has an excellent point:
There are certain lines in life that shouldn't be crossed and one of them is comparing a man's wife to Dustin Hoffman in drag.Of course, Drudge isn't the only offender in this regard. In politics these days, especially on the web, it's not unusual whatsoever to hear people attacking Janet Reno, Linda Tripp, Hillary Clinton, George Bush, Michael Moore, Rush Limbaugh, Chelsea Clinton, James Carville, John Kerry, & Ann Coulter (believe it or not), for their looks.
Folks, we're adults here, we should be beyond this sort of thing. I mean, 5th grade has been over for long time -- so do we have to bring looks into this?
He's right of course. I get so sick of lame insults being used as a proxy for actual argument.
Read the rest.