There was a time when the thought of life without ESPN was horrifying. Granted, I was a lot younger and a more enthusiastic fan. Recently, I went a year and a half without cable, or indeed television, at all. (Well, I did have Babylon 5 on DVD. At least the first season.) And last year when I turned the cable back on, I decided I didn't care enough to pay for extended service and, therefore, ESPN. Strangely, in all that time, I haven't missed ESPN or, my once favorite way to pass time, Sports Center one bit.
I couldn't figure out why that might be. Matt Feeney offers a thorough critique that may explain the change. If you're interested in this at all, you should read his whole article, but his conclusion is priceless:
As John Buccigross might say, as Pravda was to the old Soviet Union, SportsCenter is to pro basketball.
Three years without television...the programs are just degenerating into vile filth. As Christians we need to keep our thoughts pure (Philippians 4:8) and be as babies on matters of evil (1 Corinthians 14:20). Why subject yourself to such garbage?
Posted by: Victor | Saturday, April 03, 2004 at 01:16 PM