... all the people paying their own way. 1
The old John Lennon song "Imagine" has always driven me nuts. Unlike Joel Engel though, I've never gone to the trouble of fisking it.
1 That's from an old parody on the Rush Limbaugh Show, but I can't seem to find a good text of the lyrics.
...all the people, acting like adults.
Posted by: mark butterworth | Tuesday, December 09, 2003 at 12:06 AM
I'm a Beatles fan, like Josh Claybourn, and used to really like "Imagine". Of course I was a Unitarian once as well. Even when I memorized the words to this song I loved it. It seems to affect a lot of people this way - loving the idealism of the words without thinking of what life would really be like if they were to come true - kindof like people loving economic equality, but not realizing that achieving it would require the government to roll the tanks out to enforce it. It took a good dose of Ayn Rand to shake me out of that kind of thinking.
Posted by: Joel Fuhrmann | Tuesday, December 09, 2003 at 09:00 PM