Apparently a warrant has been issued for Michael Jackson's arrest.
Pop star Michael Jackson is again at the centre of a police investigation. About 20 officers searched his California ranch on Tuesday as part of an ongoing but undisclosed criminal investigation. Jackson was not home.Cable channel Court TV said the investigation stems from allegations of sexual abuse brought by a 12-year-old boy against the 45-year-old Jackson.
Up to 70 investigators from the Santa Barbara County sheriff's and district attorney's offices entered Jackson's sprawling Neverland Ranch outside of Santa Barbara on Tuesday morning. No immediate arrests were made.
Court TV reporter Diane Dimond, who is on the scene, says a source told her that police not only had a search warrant, but an arrest warrant. Dimond told CNN's Larry King that had Jackson been at the ranch, the warrant would have been executed.
Jackson appears to think it's part of a plot to wreck his career:
"I've seen lawyers who don't represent me and spokespeople who do not know me speaking for me. These characters always seem to surface with dreadful allegations just as another project, an album, a video is being released," the Jackson statement said.
Please tell me this means someone is going to take those kids away from him.
if you want the Lord to make you like Him, then stop judging folks before you know a friggin thing about them...no wonder some folk don't like christians...btw, i'm a christian too
Posted by: follycop | Thursday, July 01, 2004 at 07:18 PM