Mark Steyn had lots on the recall. I really like his opening:
You gotta admire the way the media stayed on the Demo-crats' sinking California ship right to the very end. On the CNN Web site, even after Gray Davis had conceded, they were sticking to the loser's talking-points:''Schwarzenegger, who, like Hitler, is a native of Austria . . .''
CNN? Oh, that's that network with Larry King, who, like the Son of Sam, is a native of Brooklyn. Used to be owned by Ted Turner, who, like the Cincinnati Strangler, is a native of Cincinnati. Now part of Time Warner, founded by the Warner Brothers, the oldest of whom, Harry Warner, like many Auschwitz guards, was a native of Poland.
Somehow, I doubt the point will take hold.
And CNN is not the only one pulling that stunt.
"My first thought was 'Oh my God, not another Austrian emigrant -- the first one caused enough damage"' wrote Peter Boenisch, a former government spokesman and newspaper editor, in an analysis on Schwarzenegger for the tabloid Bild.
That was from a Reuters story on the popular stirring Schwarzenneger's election is having in Germany. The gist of the story seems to be that Germans can't decide if they're horrified that an Austrian could be elected anywhere because that's where Hitler came for or disappointed that he wasn't running for office in Germany.
By the way, am I the only one who notices what an incredibly racist slur is involved in decrying the election of an Austrian just because Hitler was an Austrian? Seriously, the implication is that Hitler is the typical Austrian and, consequently, all Austrians are power hungry maniacs who can't wait to open their first death camp.