With a title like, "Are Al Franken and Howard Dean Good for Conservatives?" I just had to read this new column by CK Rairden.
When host Terence Smith asked Franken what should be expected from an Al Franken radio program he made that clear, “Some commentary, some ridicule. Some comedy, more ridicule. How Bush is lying on whatever he's lying about that day or that week. Then probably a little analysis of what we've been hearing from Rush and what we've been hearing from O'Reilly and what we've been hearing from Hannity.”“And then maybe a little music. I have a beautiful voice.”
That’s some comedy all right.
Other than the incredible witty “I have a beautiful voice” Al displayed in this interview the Al Franken show will make an attempt to continue the parasitical formula he cleverly used in his two bestsellers. The Al show will monitor Rush, Hannity and O’Reilly and call them lying liars. Laura Ingraham and Michael Medved have to be wondering--hey--what about us?
This is a recipe for disaster for a competitive talk radio show. Franken will need a top production staff to make this work if he plans on challenging the astronomical numbers conservatives consistently post. In his many interviews pimping his book, Franken’s on air delivery is slow and determined and that really doesn’t work well on the radio. Radio hosts and TV interviewers constantly have to push Al to get to the point. And that is when Al is working with a script. It’s painful to listen to. And if Franken follows through with his stated intentions of playing clips of prominent conservatives and calling them liars---his one-trick pony show will grow stale quickly to all except his rabid followers.
He's right on this, but that's not his main thrust. The major point is that Franken and Dean may be able to rally the far-left base enough to drag the rest of the party kicking and screaming over a cliff.
He may be right.